NS Auto Glass Repair & Replacement Setapak
Looking for auto glass repair and replacement near me? NS Auto Glass is the auto glass expert in Setapak! Give us a call or submit the contact form below to book your appointment to get your auto glass replacement today!
NS Auto Glass Repair & Replacement @ Setapak
Address: 468, Jalan Pahang, Setapak, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603-4023 6788
Mobile: +6017-498 2226
Fax: +603-4023 6687
Email: info@nsautoglass.com
Kedai Tukar Cermin Kereta @ Setapak, Kuala Lumpur
Kedai Cermin Kereta @ Setapak, Kuala Lumpur
Auto Glass Repair at Setapak
Have you spotted a crack in your windscreen, is it leaking and the water is coming into the car, or the windscreen seems to lose that it might come right onto you while driving? If you have spotted any of these signs, it is time to repair the windscreen. At, NS Auto Glass, contact us to get auto glass repair service done at your nearest location in the town of Setapak, Kuala Lumpur.
We are committed to bringing your car back on the road as soon as possible; thus, the repair will only take 2 to 3 hours depending on the queue. Bring in your car or contact us to book an appointment today!
Auto Glass Replacement at Setapak
At NS Auto Glass, we inspect the car when it comes in. Our first option is always to repair the glass. However, if the windscreen or windows are too damaged to be repaired, we are offering auto glass replacement service. We will replace your vehicle’s broken and damaged glass with high quality and durable glass that can last years to come. Our technicians specialize in replacing the glass while making sure there is no leak or improper installation.
Our workshop is located at the prime location in the Setapak town in Kuala Lumpur. Call us today to get your glass replaced within a few hours.
Kedai Cermin Kereta di Setapak
Pernahkah anda melihat keretakan di kaca depan anda, apakah bocor dan air masuk ke dalam kereta semasa memandu? Sekiranya anda melihat tanda-tanda ini, inilah masanya untuk memperbaiki cermin kereta anda. Hubungilah kami untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan pembaikan kaca automatik di Setapak, Kuala Lumpur.
Kami komited untuk membawa kereta anda kembali ke jalan secepat mungkin; oleh itu, pembaikan hanya akan mengambil masa 2 hingga 3 jam bergantung pada barisan. Bawa kereta anda ke kedai cermin kereta di Setapak atau hubungi kami untuk membuat janji temu hari ini!
Tukar Cermin Kereta di Setapak
Di NS Auto Glass, pilihan pertama kami adalah memperbaiki cermin kereta anda. Namun, jika cermin kereta atau tingkap terlalu rusak untuk diperbaiki, kami menawarkan perkhidmatan penggantian cermin kereta. Kami akan tukar cermin kereta pecah dan rosak anda dengan kaca berkualiti tinggi dan tahan lama yang boleh bertahan bertahun-tahun yang akan datang. Juruteknik kami pakar dalam tukar cermin kereta sambil memastikan tidak ada kebocoran atau pemasangan yang tidak betul.
Bengkel kami terletak di Setapak, Kuala Lumpur. Hubungi kami untuk mengganti gelas anda!